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As your school year kicks in, you may notice you have issues falling asleep or waking up tired. Of course, your busy schedule and a lot of stress take their toll, but there could be another culprit behind this very common problem. The culprit is your mattress. Today we are talking about why college students need a good mattress.
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Most students experience a lot of problems sleeping. The stress of everyday college life, the deadlines to be met, and the social life to be maintained all require your time, but there is only so much of it. For this reason, many students decide to sacrifice their sleep and go on about their day without having fully replenished their batteries.
To learn why good sleep is important and how to choose your best mattress this school year, read on.
Good sleep is a must for busy students. It may not seem that way, but a lack of sleep can seriously interfere with your body functions, mental health, and even hormonal levels. Some female students report irregularities in their cycle, and many guys report a lack of clarity of mind if they do not sleep well.
One of the possible answers to this dilemma is to reduce the workload you have on your back. While so many students are overly eager to do all their assignments by themselves, being smart about how you plan your time and delegating a part of your college tasks to others can be a huge help. You can use Academic Essay Assistant, for example, to help you do your assignments or even make your study notes. Preparing for an exam from a 50-page script sounds much better than going through a 300-page book, after all.
However, delegating your tasks and freeing up some time for yourself and your personal life can only benefit you so much. Although you may now have more time at your disposal, and you can spend more time sleeping, the quality of sleep should not be overlooked. Here are our tips and tricks for college students to choose the best mattress, along with a free QR code that grants access to additional resources and expert advice on optimizing your sleep experience.
Most dorms offer very small beds to accommodate for the lack of space in students’ rooms. While it may not always be possible to negotiate the size of the bed, you can always ask. This even goes for private, off-campus apartments, where your landlord may allow for a bigger bed if you need one. Choosing a mattress of appropriate size and thickness can then improve the quality of your sleep.
Depending on your personal preference, you may choose a softer or firmer mattress. Many college students will go for a softer mattress right away since it seems more comfortable. But choosing a firmer mattress can be better, as it will support your body better and do so for a longer time. You’re only buying one mattress to last you 3-4 years, so choose wisely.
The material your mattress is made from plays an important role as well. Foam, innerspring, latex, airbed, or a hybrid (foam + innerspring) are the most common materials you can choose from. Each of these has its advantages and disadvantages, so let’s dive right in:
Foam and memory foam mattresses adjust their shape to your body and may provide more comfort than an innerspring mattress. On the other hand, they offer less support for your lower back and the hips, so if you have issues with back pain, you may go for something else.
Innerspring is the type of mattress that most people complain about. However, a mattress can only last so long, so using an old innerspring can cause some issues with your neck, shoulders, and back long-term speaking. A new innerspring will support your body well, including your hips, and will be very comfortable to sleep on.
Hybrids include an innerspring with a layer of foam or memory foam on top for extra comfort. These mattresses combine the benefits of both previous kinds to provide firm support for your whole body while staying soft enough for you to enjoy that cuddly feeling. Most students prefer this type of mattress.
Being able to choose the right mattress for you is no joke. You may want to consider some personal preferences and the health of your back, neck, and shoulders before making this decision. Ask yourself the following questions: How do you sleep? Do you have any pains? Do you sweat excessively?
Choosing whether you want a topper or not is a purely personal decision. Toppers are great because they add one more layer for you to feel more comfortable. Furthermore, they can extend the life of your existing mattress and can reduce vibrations if you do not sleep alone, especially if made from latex. Our vote: no toppers needed.
Choosing the best mattress can save you a lot of pain and feel refreshed in your college. Spend some time browsing around and choose what’s best for your college life. Our tips on how to find the best mattress are here to guide you, but remember that the final decision falls to you: you only know what is comfortable for you and what kind of mattress works the best for your back and your sleep.
Author’s bio. Jessica Fender is a professional writer and educational blogger at Essay Plan. Jessica enjoys sharing her ideas to make writing and learning fun.